Friday, October 17, 2008

Interview with Tom Rhodes

Have you read Born Standing Up?

Yes, and I love every morsel of it. Especially when he goes back to the little theater at Knott's Berry farm and realizes that that is where he learned everything that made him great.

Did anything else stick out to you?

The poor relationship he had with his Dad. I was stunned to read that when he took his Dad to the premiere of "The Jerk" (an all time classic) his father told his friend "Well he's no Charlie Chaplin is he?" I almost started crying.

How old were you when you started comedy?


How long did it take you before you felt like you were funny onstage?

10 years.What is the best advice you ever received?Tell them the joke, show them the joke. Meaning that if you act it out just a little it is 1,000 times funnier.

Who do you think is funny?

My brother John.What advice do you have for up and coming comics?Put more funny in it. Don't do it for the money just do it because you love it or get out of the business.
There is a group of comics in Phoenix committed to reposting bulletins on myspace for each other. In addition to that what can comics do to support other comics?Stop talking shit about each other.

If you ever had a bad set, how did you deal with that?

I'm still learning that one.

What are your future aspirations?

To keep writing better jokes.

What is the difference between a good comic and a great comic?

A good comic tells the audience what they want to hear and a great comic tells the
audience what they didn't know they wanted to hear.

Describe your writing process?

The best jokes for me always come from having intelligent conversations with intelligent people.Who do you see as a new and up coming comic?

My brother John.

Do you have any good stories from being on the road that you would like to share?

Too many to tell. Great comedian friendships, women, parties and lots of laughter. Who would dedicate their lives to anything else?What do you think makes your set unique
My travel experience and my world knowledge.

P.S. I want to talk more about the book...I feel uncomfortable with questions about comedy.Like Johnny Carson said if you have to explain comedy it kills it.Born standing up touched me supremely.

I loved how Mr. Martin spoke of never being in the moment as a comedian because as you are telling a joke you are thinking 2 or 3 jokes ahead. Also how studies should be done on comedians getting sick. I have thought about it forever but Mr. Martin clarified it perfectly how as a comedian you won't get sick when you have shows.But when you have free time your body will get sick because your body knows what’s important and when you can afford to get sick.

Let's get small-Tom

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